Impact wrench 3/4", 1000Nm swivel head
Hvad betyder symbolerne?Compact 3/4" impact wrench with 120 degree swivel head and 360 degree swivel handle that makes it possible to work in tight spaces. Only 126mm long and weighs 2.3kg. Powerful Twin Hammer mechanism in a steel hammer housing. Torque of 1000Nm and release torque of 2700Nm. Forward / backward controls that are easily controlled with one hand.
Artikel-nr. | K 9905 |
Maks. støjniveau dBA | 108,7 |
Maks. moment Nm | 1000 |
Vibrationer m/s2 | 9,2 |
Omdrejninger rpm | 7500 |
Længde mm | 126 |
Vægt g | 2300 |
Lufttilslutning | NPT 3/8" indvendig |
Luftforbrug l/m | 127 |
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