Impact wrench 3/4", 2170Nm
Hvad betyder symbolerne?Powerful 3/4 " impact wrench with dual speed modes, high-performance motor with extra high torque of 2170Nm and loosening torque 4110Nm. Well-balanced chassis in composite material with extra handle for stability. Powerful Twin Hammer mechanism in steel housing. Adjustable working torque when tightening and always full power when loosening. Front / back control that is easily adjusted with one hand.
Artikel-nr. | K 9902 |
Maks. støjniveau dBA | 103,8 |
Maks. moment Nm | 2170 |
Vibrationer m/s2 | 10,69 |
Omdrejninger rpm | 5200 |
Længde mm | 198 |
Vægt g | 4500 |
Lufttilslutning | NPT 3/8" indvendig |
Luftforbrug l/m | 243 |
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